Why do you prefer MAINLAND setup in the UAE?

UAE mainland license is required for businesses that operate within the geographic boundaries of UAE mainland. This type of license allows businesses to conduct commercial activities in Dubai’s local market and beyond, without any restrictions.

Obtaining a UAE mainland license also provides businesses with a range of benefits, such as the ability to rent a office space anywhere in UAE mainland, the ability to sponsor employees and family members for visas, and the ability to apply for bank accounts and other financial services.

In summary, obtaining a UAE mainland license is essential for businesses operating in UAE’s local market, as it allows them to comply with local regulations, operate legally, and access a range of benefits.

Our Recommendation

Mainland Company Formation in Dubai


Establish a Mainland Company in UAE

The process of establishing a company in the UAE involves only a few simple steps, in all seven emirates. Establishing a company typically involves identifying the location, specifying the nature of the business, and paying ascribed fees, for the issuance of a commercial license.

Abu Dhabi or Dubai Mainland Company Formation

One of the world’s most vibrant and business-friendly cities is Dubai & Abu Dhabi. Here are the procedures to take if you want to establish a business in Dubai’s & Abu Dhabi’s mainland:

1. Choose your business License & activity: Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to apply for specialized licenses from a few government agencies, including the Ministry of Economy, the Dubai’s or Abu Dhabi’s Municipality, and the Dubai or Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
You must choose your business activity before you can establish a mainland firm in Dubai or Abu Dhabi from the following activities
The UAE offers 6 main types of economic licenses:

  • Occupational
  • Tourism
  • Industrial
  • Commercial
  • Agricultural
  • Professional

Type of company: Determine your firm’s legal structure, such as whether it will be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a limited liability company. (LLC).

Legal forms of businesses in the UAE

  • Sole establishment
  • Civil company
  • Limited liability company
  • Public joint stock company
  • Private joint stock company
  • Branch of a GCC company
  • Branch of a local company
  • Holding company
  • Representative office of a foreign company


3. Reserve Name: Following your selection of a legal structure, you must reserve your company name with the DED. Your company name needs to be distinctive and adhere to DED regulations.

  • The trade name must have an abbreviation of the legal structure of the company as its suffix (ex: LLC, PJSC, etc).
  • The trade name must not contain inappropriate words and should not be offensive to the general public.
  • The trade name must be compatible with the chosen economic activities.
  • The trade name must not contain the names of rulers, government agencies, or the names and logos of government bodies.
  • The trade name must not be registered by any other company.
  • The trade name and trademark must be approved by the Department of Economic Development and the Ministry of Economy.
  • Trade name certificates are subject to renewal.

4. Initial Approval & MOA:
Obtain initial approval: You must submit a thorough business plan and other necessary documentation to the DED in order to receive initial approval.
A Memorandum of Association (MOA) is required if the legal form of the company is a civil company, limited liability company, public shareholding company, or private shareholding company. A local service agent agreement (LSA) is required if it is a sole proprietorship.

5. Choose Your Business Location:
To establish your business, you’ll need to rent office space on Dubai’s mainland or Abu Dhabi’s mainland. Certain specifications, including a minimum size and placement inside a designated business area, must be met by the office space.

6. Open a corporate bank account: In order to conduct business in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, you must first open a corporate bank account.

7. Hire Employees:
After you’ve established your business, you can hire staff and secure work permits for them in Dubai or Abu Dhabi.

8. Apply for Additional Government Approvals:
In some cases, additional approvals from government entities governing certain business activities are required.

Economic Activities that require additional approvals:

  • Ministry of Interior: General transport – driving schools, fire equipment, alarm and safety systems, used-car dealers, used auto parts, car rental.
  • Ministry of justice: Legal activities and legal consultancy.
  • Local Municipal department: Architectural and engineering affairs.
  • Telecommunications and Digital Government Regulatory Authority (TDRA): Telecommunication activities.
  • Executive Council: Travel and tourism, general services, charter trading, ship and maritime agencies, car clubs, charter air transport and foreign company branches.
  • Ministry of Economy: Insurance activities and insurance consultancy.
  • Local health departments: Health-related activities.
  • Supreme Petroleum Council: Onshore and offshore gas and oil-field services and onshore and offshore oil drilling operations.

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