UAE Corporate Tax Guide: Essential Tips for Natural Person

uae corporate tax guide

UAE Corporate Tax Guide: Key Insights for Individuals The United Arab Emirates (UAE) introduced Corporate Tax (CT) in June 2023. While primarily targeting corporate entities, the law also encompasses natural persons conducting business activities within the country. In this blog, let us look into the key aspects of UAE Corporate Tax for common people. When […]

Who is a Related Party as per Corporate Tax Law?

Corporate Tax Law

According to the Corporate tax Law, any transactions carried out with the related parties should be subject to the arm’s length principle under the transfer pricing regulations. A transaction or arrangement meets the arm’s length standard if it results in the same effect as arising from a similar transaction or arrangement or similar circumstances between […]


corporate tax registration

The Introduction of Corporate tax in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) marks a significant shift in the country’s fiscal geography. Businesses operating within the UAE will now be subject to CT, and is required to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). To ensure a smooth registration process, having a clear understanding of the requisite […]


How to avoid common business tax mistakes

The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE isn’t just a change in policy; it’s a catalyst for a shift in business practices. This move is expected to have a widespread impact, not only strengthening the UAE’s economy but also leading to a more refined and transparent approach to business operations within the country. The […]

The Impact of UAE Corporate Tax on Business Growth: Strategies for Success

UAE Corporate Tax

The UAE’s business outlook transformed in June 2023 with the introduction of corporate tax. This move signals a shift towards a more sustainable economic model, prioritizing fiscal responsibility without sacrificing the country’s growth ambitions. Businesses operating in the UAE must now understand this new tax environment strategically to ensure continued success. This blog explores the […]

Unveiling Assistance and Support in UAE Corporate Tax Landscape

Support in UAE Corporate Tax

Empowering Small Businesses Small businesses are the backbone of the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) economy, contributing significantly to its growth and dynamism. In this blog, we will explore the challenges small businesses may face in the UAE corporate tax landscape and highlight the assistance measures designed to help them thrive.   The UAE implemented Corporate […]

Don’t Miss the Deadline: Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines UAE Explained

Corporate Tax Registration Deadlines UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) issued Federal Decree Law. No. 47 of 2022 on the Taxation of Corporations and Business on December 9, 2022 & implemented its Corporate Tax regime from 1st June 2023. All taxable persons (including Free Zone persons) as defined under the law, are subject to UAE Corporate Tax from the beginning […]

Are all Free Zones in UAE eligible for 0% Rate of Corporate Tax?

uae corporate tax for free zone

A strategic location, coupled with a business-friendly environment, has propelled Dubai into the modern metropolis it is today. This magnet for global companies owes much of its success to its diverse Free Zones. There are several Free zones in Dubai and each of it operates under its own set of rules and regulations. The several […]

Not all companies are required to pay Corporate Tax in UAE

Corporate Tax in UAE

The United Arab Emirates has long been regarded as a tax haven, luring businesses with its sunny beaches and promises of low taxes. However, the latest introduction of a 9% corporate tax in June 2023 seems like a game-changer. Corporate Tax, also referred to as “Corporate Income Tax (CIT)” or “Business Profits Tax” has become […]

Penalties under the UAE Corporate Tax Law

uae Corporate Tax law

With the introduction of a federal corporate tax law, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has undergone significant changes in its tax arena in recent years. This new legislation has implications for businesses operating in the UAE, including foreign companies with a presence in the country. One crucial aspect of this tax framework is the enforcement […]

UAE Corporate Taxation 2023: Key Things to Know

Corporate Tax compliance

Corporate Tax in Dubai 2023 United Arab Emirates has been, for a long time, an endearing country for corporations for it did not, except for certain handful industries, impose any taxes on revenues or profits of the corporations. However, as a result of recent modifications to UAE legislation, especially Federal-Decree Law No. 47 of 2022, […]

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